Product Summary
The PEB2023V1.1 is an integrated power controller especially designed for feeding two-wire ISDN-transmission lines. One line can be powered by one IHPC. An external resistor defines the value of the current-limit for the line. Powering can be switched on or off by the logic inputs PFEN and PFENQ. With a logic low at the APFI output the IHPC signals that current-limiting is active; this signal is low-pass filtered. An external capacitor defines the corner frequency of this low-pass filter and the resulting delay time respectively. A second external capacitor is needed to make sure that longitudinal disturbances (AC) will not produce a current limiting effect. Line current-limiting and reducing this limiting level in case of overtemperature guards the IHPC against overloads.
PEB2023V1.1 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Battery voltage, VBAT: -150 to 0.5 V; (2)VDD supply voltage, VDD: -0.5 to 6 V; (3)Ground voltage difference, VGNDB-VGNDD: -0.5 to 0.5 V; (4)Ground pulse voltage difference, VGNDB-VGNDD: -1to 1 V; (5)Junction temperature, Tj: 150℃; (6)Voltages on logic inputs PFEN, PFENQ, VPFEN, VPFENQ: -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V; (7)Voltages on REF, VREF: -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V; (8)Voltages on CP, VCP: -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V; (9)Voltages on CN, VCN: -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V; (10)Voltages on CTP, VCTP: -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V; (11)Voltages on logic output APFI, VAPFI: -0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V; (12)RB voltage, VRB: -0.5 to + 0.5 V; (13)RB pulse current, IRB (into pin RB): -8 to 8 A; (14)RB peak current, IRB_peak: -16 to 16 A; (15)RA voltages, VRA: -0.3 to 150 V ; (16)RA pulse current, IRA (into pin RA): 11 A; (17)RA pulse voltage, VRA_pulse: -1 to 170 V; (18)ESD-voltage, all pins: 1 kV.
PEB2023V1.1 features: (1)Battery voltage up to 130 V; (2)Supplies power for one transmission line; (3)Current limiting and chip temperature control; (4)Limiting current can be programmed by an external resistor; (5)Automatically reduced feeding current in case of overtemperature; (6)Reliable 170 V Smart Power Technology (SPT 170); (7)Small P-DSO-20 package.